Certified Senior Project Manager

  • The IPMA Level B Project Management Certificate proves that the certificate holder has the competencies of a project manager in a complex project environment within the organization. Level B can be applied by those who have the competencies to manage complex projects and they can demonstrate this through the process of testing knowledge, skills, and abilities in practice.
  • In the last eight years, the candidate must have at least five years of experience as a project manager, of which at least three years in a responsible position of managing complex projects.

Certified Senior Portfolio Manager

  • The Level B IPMA Portfolio Management Certificate requires candidates to have operated in a very complex portfolio environment within the organization.
  • In the last eight years, the candidate must have at least five years of experience as a portfolio manager, of which at least three years in a responsible position of managing complex portfolios. The period of admissible evidence may be extended by four years to 12 years with justification.

Application procedure

  • The candidate should send to cert@ipma.hr CV, certification application form, summary of the project report, self-assessment form, references, and management complexity assessment form.
  • After determining the admissibility of the application, the certification body invites the candidate to pay the certification fees or provide proof of the payment already made.
  • Upon confirmation of payment, the candidate is given the task of preparing a report on the example of a project determined by the certification body between the projects described in the summary of the report. The candidate must demonstrate satisfactory evidence in 80% of the competency elements within the corresponding domain defined in ICB 4.0. The report must be prepared and submitted in e-form to the e-mail cert@ipma.hr within a maximum of 90 calendar days since the task was issued.
  • Upon successful completion of the project report, the certification body grants the candidate access to the written exam. The candidate must demonstrate satisfactory evidence in 50% of the competency elements within the relevant domain defined in ICB 4.0.
  • After successfully passing the written exam, the certification body invites the candidate for a final interview.
  • After the interview, the certification body makes a final assessment and for a positive outcome, the candidate is issued an IPMA level B certificate.

Documents that the candidate should study when applying for certification of competencies and issuance of IPMA certificates:

Documents submitted by candidates when applying for certification:

  • CV
  • Certification and recertification application form - includes all the necessary personal data so that the certification body can identify the candidate and process the data necessary for the applicant and make a decision on access to the certification process.
  • Self-assessment - a form by which the candidate conducts his/her own assessment of competencies in knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Summary of the project report – Izvješće može imati najviše 15 stranica i sadrži: (predaje se samo ako kandidat pristupa domeni Projekt)
    • organization (details of the company, industry, and types of projects, main objectives of the company, and the business unit in which the applicant works);
    • a one-page summary for each project with related timelines and phases and resources available;
    • the role of the applicant (organizational chart with established position, area of responsibility, review of project management procedures they use, relationship with internal and external stakeholders);
    • how the candidate led the project and how he/she meets the complexity criteria for the level for which he/she is applying.
  • Summary of the portfolio report – Izvješće treba imati između 15 i 20 stranica, uz dodatke izvještaju 8 – 15 stranica. (predaje se samo ako kandidat pristupa domeni Portfelj)
    • organization (details of the company, industry, and types of projects, main objectives of the company, and the business unit in which the applicant works);
    • a one-page summary for each portfolio with related timelines and phases and available resources;
    • the role of the applicant (organizational chart with established position, area of responsibility, review of project management procedures they use, relationship with internal and external stakeholders);
    • how the candidate has managed the portfolio and how he/she meets the complexity criteria for the level for which he/she is applying.
  • References for verification - For Level B, the applicant should provide the names and contacts of at least two persons to verify his / her eligibility in relation to the level and domain of certification which he is applying for.
  • Assessment of management complexity - the form is used by candidates and assessors to assess the complexity of project management and serves to qualify the experience. The form contains ten indicators of complexity. A full description of each indicator is included in all worksheets.

Documents that applicants fill out after the exam:

  • Feedback Form - The form is used to gather information on how satisfied candidates are with the certification process, in order to further improve it.
  • Complaint Form and Appeal Form - formal documents by which a candidate raises a particular issue or appeal procedure in relation to the result or circumstances with which he/she is dissatisfied, or thinks that they do not comply with IPMA or the certification body's regulations. More about these procedures is described in the Guidelines for Complaints and Appeals.
  1. The certification body guarantees equal conditions in accessing certification as well as equal conditions in applying for the certification procedure regardless of race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preferences, nationality, ethnicity, any form of disability, or any other characteristic of the candidate.
  2. Applicants who wish to adapt the certification process in accordance to their incapacity caused by illness or disability should apply forand demonstrate their desire and reasons for reasonable adjustmentadaptation when submitting their application for certification or recertification. Evidence includes evidence of disability or illness. The statement should also contain a proposal for a possible reasonable adjustment. The certification manager will decide which adjustment will be applied and inform the candidate and the assessors involved in the candidate certification process.
  3. The discount can only be realized on the basis of one category and discounts cannot be added or combined.
  4. Organizations, companies, and institutions that have signed an agreement with IPMA Croatia on the long-term implementation of IPMA certification and will bring long-term and multiple groups of employees for certification, can get an additional discount on the price in the amount of 5%.
  5. Based on the signed agreement, the authorized educational partners of IPMA Croatia may collect money from individuals or institutions for the implementation of certification, and are obliged to pay the collected money to the account of IPMA Croatia before the implementation of the certification procedure. All financial conditions related to educational partners are defined by a special agreement.
  6. Prices for students are valid only for full-time students of universities and polytechnics unless otherwise regulated in the agreement between IPMA Croatia and the university or polytechnic in question.
  7. Kandidatima je u cijeni certifikacije dopušteno jedno ponavljanje bilo kojeg dijela certifikacijskog postupka (koraka): izrade projektnog izvješća, pismenog ispita ili intervjua. Razlozi ponavljanja mogu biti: izvješće koje nije predano u zadanom roku, negativno ocijenjeno izvješće, negativno ocijenjen pismeni ispit, negativno ocjenjen intervju ili neopravdano ne pristupanje nekom od navedenih dijelova certifikacijskog postupka. Pismeni ispit se može otkazati najkasnije 48 sati prije početka. Ukoliko je kandidat već iskoristio besplatno ponavljanje bilo kojeg koraka (npr. projektnog izvješća ili pismenog ispita), više nema pravo na besplatno ponavljanje već se plaća naknada za svaki sljedeći pokušaj. Npr. ako kandidatu bude pozitivno ocijenjen drugi projektni zadatak koji je ponavljao, a ne prođe na pismenom ispitu, ponovni izlazak na pismeni ispit svaki sljedeći put se dodatno plaća. Također, ako je kandidat imao jedno ponavljanje koraka prije intervjua, a ne prođe na intervjuu, ponovni izlazak na intervju se plaća.

    Ponavljanje svakog od navedenih dijelova certifikacijskog postupka, nakon što je besplatni pokušaj iskorišten, naplaćuje se dodatno 410 eur+PDV.

    Kandidat može svaki korak ponavljati maksimalno jednom. Ukoliko po određenom koraku kandidat ima 2 neuspješna pokušaja, kandidat treba ponoviti cijeli certifikacijski postupak i poslati novu prijavu za certifikaciju uz plaćanje ukupne naknade cijelog postupka neovisno o koracima koje je prethodno prošao.

    Kandidati sami mogu birati vrijeme izdavanja zadatka i izlaska na pismeni ispit prema definiranim rokovima navedenim na web stranici koji se odnose na pismene ispite, a uzimajući u obzir da cijeli certifikacijski postupak mora završiti unutar 18 mjeseci od prihvata prijave.

  8. The certification process must be completed within 18 months from the date of acceptance of the application

  9. Certification Manager will decide for each certification cycle whether Level B exam will be oral or written in accordance with Section 9.4.29., IPMA International Certification Regulations – version 4.1.1. (2019).

Price (HRK)

Regular price 1495€ + PDV = 1.868,75€

Price for members of IPMA Croatia 1.345,50€ + PDV = 1681,88€

Recertification price 270€ + PDV = 337,50€

*For groups of more than 10 candidates on request (info@ipma.hr) it is possible to get a discount of up to 20% on the regular price.



Purpose of payment: Name Surname - certification according to IPMA 4-L-C (level)

  • The invoice must be settled by payment to the account of IPMA Croatia within 15 days from the date of issue of the invoice.