Individual membership is intended for people interested in the field of project management, whether they are just at the beginning of their career or already have significant experience in project, program, and portfolio management.
Benefits of individual membership:
- availability of resources to identify one’s strengths and areas of interest in order to stand out in one’s current role or find a suitable career development opportunity
- the possibility of networking, and the exchange of knowledge and experience with experts in the field of project management at the national and international level
- discounts on all events organized by IPMA Croatia and YCC
- 10% discounts on IPMA 4-L-C certification
Corporate membership is intended for organizations of various sizes interested in developing competencies for project, program and portfolio management, and keeping pace with global trends in the field.
Benefits of corporate membership:
- regularly informing the corporate partner about news in the work of the Association and news related to the possibility of obtaining and renewing certificates via e-mail and/or internal presentations
- mogućnost stjecanja i obnove certifikata zaposlenika prema povlaštenim uvjetima za korporativno članstvo
- the possibility to participate in conferences, professional seminars and other events organized by the Croatian Association for Project Management under privileged conditions for corporate membership
- regular information on current topics in the field of project management and distribution of publications and other informative and educational materials
- visibility of the corporate partner on IPMA Croatia's website
- the possibility of sponsoring HUUP gatherings under privileged conditions
- registration of a certain number of employees (according to the size of the company) as members of the Croatian Association for Project Management
Membership procedure
- fill in the Application Form pay an annual membership fee depending on the type of membership:
- individualno redovito članstvo – 30€ (225,90kn)
- individualno podupiruće članstvo (studenti i članovi Young Crew-a do 35 godina) – 20€ (150,60kn)
- korporativno članstvo za mikro i male organizacije s do 50 zaposlenika (5 registriranih individualnih članova, od čega 1 redovit, 4 podupiruća) – 330€ (2.484,90kn)
- korporativno članstvo za srednje organizacije s do 250 zaposlenika (10 registriranih individualnih članova, od čega 2 redovita, 8 podupirućih) – 665€ (5.007,45kn)
- korporativno članstvo za velike organizacije s više od 250 zaposlenika (20 registriranih individualnih članova, od čega 3 redovita, 17 podupirućih) – 1350€ (10.165,50kn)
- korporativno članstvo za organizacije s više od 500 zaposlenika (30 registriranih individualnih članova, od čega 5 redovitih, 25 podupirućih) – 2000€ (15.060,00kn)
2. For R1 invoice, please contact email
The membership fee is paid to the account of IPMA Croatia at Zagrebačka banka - HR8523600001101390190.
When paying, for the purpose of payment it is necessary to state the name and surname of the person (individual membership) or the name of the organization (corporate membership) - the name of the membership.
For all questions contact us via e-mail