• Recertification is required after the expiration of five years after certification for all levels and domains. It is the responsibility of the certificate holder to initiate the recertification process by applying within a maximum of six months from the date of expiry of the current certificate.
  • The extension may be obtained by the certification body up to 12 months since the date of expiry of the certificate, with justification. The recertification process verifies whether the candidate has worked in the field of project management in the past five years at the level of competencies for which he/she holds a certificate.
  • Recertification (recertification) requires scoring of continuous professional development (CPD points)
  • IPMA razina A 399€ + PDV = 498.75€
  • IPMA razina B 299€ + PDV = 373.75€
  • IPMA razina C 199€ + PDV = 248.75€
  • IPMA razina D 119€ + PDV = 148.75€

Ako kandidatova prijava ne bude prihvaćena, kandidatu će se refundirati plaćeni iznos s odbitkom od 20 % za troškove postupka ocjene prijave.